Conference Information/SCHEDULE



Time frames in bold are absolute, but class time frames within them will vary due to Holy Spirit leading and logistical interactions. 

12:30 - 12:50 - I'll be at the DFH table for a few quick purchases. Then I'm going over to turn on the music at 12:55. We'll begin worship right at 1:00.

12:45 - 1:00PM

  • Sign In/Registration

1:00PM - 5:00PM

  • Artistic Worship/Prayer/Welcome 
  • Weapons of Warfare/Movements of Breakthrough 
  • Expressive Worship & Sign/Expressive Flag Vocabulary 
  • Bible Live! Active Word Study 
  • Billow Cloth Beauty 

5:00 - 5:20

  • Product Table Open

*All the DFH books and Videos are also available in digital download or e-book format. There are also additional videos available  in digital format. 


5:20 - 6:30

  • Dinner Break

6:30 - 8:30

  • Prophetic Dance/Artistic Ministry - This ministry time varies tremendously, depending on what is on God's heart. After a brief time of spontaneous Artistic Worship/Ministry, there is an environment that fosters powerful creativity and healing, utilizing the various arts. There is opportunity to practice prophetic dance, where powerful ministry takes place.

    Prophetic Word for 50 and Older - Comes from the Prophetic Dance Book page 31

8:30 - 8:50

  • Product Table Open

*All the DFH books and Videos are also available in digital download or e-book format. There are also additional videos available  in digital format. 



9:00AM - 12:00NOON

  • Artistic Spontaneous Worship/Welcome and Brief Testimonies 
  • Unity In Motion/The Corporate Move (possibly move to afternoon)
  • Modern Dance Technique Class
  • Learn Basic Choreography/Combination 
  • Stretch and Adoration

A little clip of the combination we'll learn during the modern class on Saturday... I will break down each step, step by step. 
I was really tired at this point during our class, so I'm just marking it through. But at least it gives you an idea of what to expect. Maybe you could even try it/practice:)

12:00 - 12:20

  • Product Table Open

*All the DFH books and Videos are also available in digital download or e-book format. There are also additional videos available  in digital format. 


12:20 - 1:30PM

  • Lunch Break

1:30PM - 5:00PM

  • Creative Worship Ideas
  • Team Resolve/Fruit of the Spirit
  • Presentation and Choreography Do's and Don'ts
  • Choreography Technique
  • Dance Composition/Movement Analysis
  • Purposeful Pageantry/Flags/Props
  • Final Breakthrough Activity

5:00 - 5:20

  • Product Table Open

*All the DFH books and Videos are also available in digital download or e-book format. There are also additional videos available  in digital format. 


5:20 - 6:30

  • Dinner Break

6:30 - 8:30

  • Participants' Dance Concert


It is going to be powerful! Feel free to invite friends and family...


Here is the complete listing of what is available (Click on item titles below for direct links to see particular products). Prices in red are only for what is on hand at the conference, on the product table. First come, first served for items at the conference. There are 33 digital instructional videos are available online at a deep discount. 

DFH VIDEO DOWNLOADS -  ONLY $10 at checkout and I'll email to you the download link.

NEW VIDEO DOWNLOAD - Teaching of the Dance, "God Help Me Now." - ONLY $10 
Order now! 



ALL E BOOKS AT CONFERENCE - ONLY $10 at checkout and I'll email to you the download link.

HAND DYED SILK FLAGS (8mm)- Set of 2  (34" X 44") - Thicker material/more brilliant colors/padding on rods) Normally $120   Now - $96 

Click on the video picture below. It will take you to the flag page. Scroll down to watch the video:)

HAND DYED SILK VEILS - Normally $98  Now - $74 

TISSUE LAME BILLOW BANNERS (5 Yards) - Normally $69   Now - $56

GENTLY WORN TISSUE LAME BILLOW BANNERS (5 Yard) - Normally $53 Now - $31 (only a few left, inquire about colors)

HAND DYED SILK BILLOW BANNERS - Hand Dyed Silk (5 Yards) - Normally $108   Now - $95 

DFH T-SHIRTSS-XL $16;  2XL $19;  3XL $20; 4XL $21; 5XL $22

This video is as of May 2024. Several of the T-shirts have sold since then. But this gives you an idea...


Just an example:


CLICK HERE to the T-shirt page, to see all the new T-shirt colors and sizes available:)

Please Email - Size and Color preference:  [email protected]

You may pre-order in stock flags, T-shirts, books, digital downloads, etc.  The last day to pre-order something that I will bring with me to the conference (items I have here, on hand), will be September 8th. 

The last day to order physical products (books, T-shirts, flags, billows) to receive before the conference, must be done on or before September 4th.

  • Flags, veils and silk billows that you custom order (ones I do not have in stock, and that are ordered only through the website) will take about 3-5 weeks. 


1. Click on the particular links to see available items.
2. Make a list of the items you desire.
3. Look at the respective conference discounted prices.
4. Add up the total conference price amount.
5. Put the total amount in the "LINK TO ORDER" quantity box. That is a love offering page, but you may use it to put the amount and pay for your items.
6. Email me your list of items for which you will have already just paid, on or before September 8th.
                     If they are digital items, I can email those links to you before the conference.
                     If they are pre-ordered physical items (flags, books, T-shirts, billows) in your welcome bag with your name tag on it, for you to pick up upon check in.
7. To receive physical products before the conference, orders must be received (through the regular product page to cover shipping) on before September 4th. 

Here is where you may find the Continuing Education Courses in: Modern Dance, Flexibility, Pilates, Purposeful Pageantry, Ballet Technique and Choreography/Dance Composition:   Scroll down that page once you are there. I hope you enjoy it!

DFH Online School (Levels 1-4) - $49 off the full tuition if you pre-register during the conference! You'd pay at check out a $100 deposit (instead of $149).

CLICK HERE and Use Discount Code:  49OFFTUITION upon checkout (select YES to first pre payment). Pay tuition in full before November 10 for an additional $100 off (Levels 1 or 2).  

Next year's GA Conference, "His Eye Is On the Sparrow" special low registration rate until the end of this conference.  CLICK HERE or on the poster for all the details. I hope to see you again next year!!



  • Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants, You have [a]ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.   Psalm 8:2 NKJV

  • Let the high praises of God be in their mouth, And a two-edged sword in their hand, To execute vengeance on the nations, And punishments on the peoples; To bind their kings with chains, And their nobles with fetters of iron; To execute on them the written judgment— This honor have all His saints. Psalm 149:6-9 NKJV

  • For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NKJV

  • Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the [a]wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [b]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13 NKJV


*The number of people in attendance and the amount of time available will determine the number of words we'll do. 

ACTIVE WORD STUDY (Bible Live! - Movement Scripture Study)

This activation is a fun way to learn where dance is in the Bible and why we dance before the Lord! 

*The number of people in attendance and the amount of time available will determine the number of words we'll do.

This conference activation sheet shows a very small excerpt taken from the Dance, Dance, Dance book and it is also shown on the Dance, Dance, Dance video

PURPOSEFUL PAGEANTRY (From the Processionals, Props and Pageantry book)


Mirror & Echoes

Planned Spontaneity

Group Shapes


Body Sculpting

Unison in Movement


TEAM TIPS From the Team Terrificus book and the Called to Dance VIDEO

Team: A group of people working together in a coordinated effort; to join in a cooperative activity; people who individually subordinate personal aspirations and work in a coordinated effort with other members of a group, or team, in striving for a common goal.


An undefeatable benevolence and unconquerable goodwill that always seeks the highest good of the other person, no matter what he does. 

1. Be willing to be spontaneous. Have spiritual acumen (sharpness, or quickness of understanding). During praise and worship, be aware of what is going on around you naturally and spiritually. Leaders—listen to the Spirit of God for changes in the service. Watch for directions from the leadership and worship director. Members—watch for the dance leader’s directives. Be aware and on top of any changes the leader may give you. 


Rejoice, be glad, be joyful. To spin around with intense motion. Dancing or leaping for joy. 

2. Don’t get upset when you are chosen to do “just flags” or “just cloths.” It may be a test of your character, or the leader may need more experienced people to make sure that the flag part is done at the right time with good timing. It may be that the flag part is the most important part in the dance. 


Completeness, wholeness, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, fullness, rest, harmony; the absence of agitation or discord.

3. Dance members, try to avoid helping too much. Let the leader work through the choreography. Sometimes it takes development and time. If you do make suggestions, be mindful of how they are presented. Perhaps seeing the leader after practice would be good. 


Long suffering, lenience, forbearance, fortitude, patient endurance, the ability to endure persecution and ill-treatment. It describes a person who has the power to exercise revenge but instead exercises restraint.

4. Don’t strive for position or leadership. When it’s obvious that you are striving for it, that is a sure sign to leadership that you are not ready for it. Be humble and submissive and serve genuinely. Be faithful in the little things (set up, clean up, etc.) with a loving attitude and eventually, (through patient endurance) you will be raised up. Check your heart motivation.


Kindness in actual manifestation, virtue equipped for action, a bountiful propensity both to will and to do what is good, intrinsic goodness producing a generosity and a God-like state or being. Combines being good and doing good. 

5. Be willing to silently bring out or put away props. Will to do good especially without expecting reward or recognition. Offer to fold the cloths or wrap the flags or hang up the costumes. If you have the opportunity, and access, just do it without asking. Surprise your dance leader with a clean and organized wardrobe/prop closet.


Love for mankind, hospitality, readiness to help, human friendship, taking thought of others, lovingkindness toward men, goodness in action, sweetness of disposition, gentleness in dealing with others, benevolence, affability. The word describes the ability to act for the welfare of those taxing your patience. The Holy Spirit removes abrasive qualities from the character of one under His control. 

6. Show lovingkindness to those team/family members who are, at times, not kind. They may have had a really hard day or life. Your simple act of kindness may crack their shell of insolence and, bring forth the deliverance they need. Don’t wear your “heart on your shirtsleeve.” Declare that: I will not receive an offense for any reason at any time!


Firmness, stability, fidelity, conscientiousness, steadiness, certainty; that which is permanent, enduring, steadfast. To be firm, sure, established, and steady. Certain, stable unchangingly fixed. 

7. If you are an advanced dancer, do not skip practices once you feel like YOU know the dance. Your leader needs you especially, to see how it all fits together. If you miss (and there were changes), then the leader has to spend extra time with you. Leaders, it may be good to set guidelines for required practice times.


A disposition that is even-tempered, tranquil, balanced in spirit, unpretentious, and that has the passions under control. Meekness (power and strength under control). The person who possesses this quality pardons injuries, corrects faults, and rules his own spirit well. 

8. Work on the part of the dance that you do have. Come at least partially prepared at practice even if you don’t have the whole dance. This avoids confusion and the feeling of being “frazzled“ or loose-ended. Be tranquil. Practice and complete a section during a practice time. This makes the team feel good—like they accomplished something (because they did!).


To control of one’s self, or of one’s own emotions, desires, actions, etc. 

9. Never question or doubt what your leader says (especially) in front of the other team members. If your question is not answered by the end of practice, then quietly approach your leader on the side and pose the question or suggestion. Do not be offended if your suggestions are not always accepted.

CHOREOGRAPHY AND PRESENTATION DOS AND DONT'SFrom the Divine Choreography Book and the Dance Composition Video

  1. Don’t Just walk on stage haphazardly (cutting up and not standing in ready position).  Do Enter in an orderly, reverent manner. Be well rehearsed.
  2. Don’t Make people wait a long time while you get to the platform. Do Be ready to go, so service runs smoothly.
  3. Don’t Show impatience with the sound man (rolling of the eyes, using hand motions to move him along more quickly, Etc.). Do Have patience with the sound person. While waiting for music to begin, hold your position.
  4. Don’t Have a sloppy appearance. Do Have a nice neat appearance with uniformity in dress. Everyone in the dance should have either ballet shoes or bare feet (not some in shoes and some, not). 
  5. Don’t Adjust costume, fix hair, or rub eyes, especially while you are waiting in place for the music to begin, as the congregation’s eyes head straight for your movement (however small and insignificant it may seem). Do Make sure your costume is situated before you go on. If a part of the costume should fall off, make the best of it as if it never happened, and the congregation will soon forget there was a problem. 
  6. Don’t Chew gum!! It’s distracting and hazardous to your health (should you jump and choke on it). Do Smile from your heart.
    1. Don’t Sing when doing a presentation dance. The congregation will look directly at the person who is singing and may miss the message of the dance. Do Know the song and sing it in your heart.
  7. Don’t Goof and let your face show it, or fix your mistakes in the middle of them. Generally, the congregation will never know you made a mistake unless you tell them with your expression of dismay or by obvious corrections. Do Keep moving and smiling as if nothing had happened.
  8. Don’t Do a solo with more then one person. In other words, having two or more people doing all the same movements all at the same time, all the same way, in the same direction. That is boring. Do Vary your movements. 
  9. Don’t Have a sloppy ending. The ending’s value is about almost fifty percent of the dance. The audience wants emotional satisfaction. Do Practice the ending of the dance. It is very important because it is the last thing the congregation remembers! Be sure to work on it extensively as the viewers may forgive and forget mistakes in the beginning and middle if the ending is good. 
  10. Don’t Exit by: just walking off and talking to each other; finding your seat; or maybe waving to someone in the congregation, Etc. It’s a good idea to exit while they are still clapping, as it is rather anticlimactic to exit while the church is ready to move on to other things and they’re just waiting for you to get out of the way. Do Plan your exit. Have uniformity and order. Maintain an attitude of worship until you are out of sight. 

DANCE COMPOSITION  (From the Divine Choreography Book; Divine Choreography DVD; Dance Composition DVD)

Based on Laban’s Analysis of Movement; found in the Dance Composition DVD and the Divine Choreography Tips and Techniques Book.


1. Gesture, leading into a turn

2. Travel into balance


3. Start with very small movements and increase in size to very large

4. Intersperse large and small movements


5. Move from a single row, to two rows, to three or four rows

6. Move in Succession


7. Release all tension and collapse

8. Make a series of bound and sudden or sharp movements

*Only if extra time...

WORSHIP EXPRESSIONS (From the Worship Expressions and the Solo Dancer video)

If you'd like to host a DFH conference at your church, please watch this video below, then click here for more detailed information, and email me. 

Please know that there are some exceptions to what I said in the video about airfare and about hosting out of the US. But you may read and see if your church qualifies. Also in the video I'm pointing down as I'm talking about the information. But this video is also on the conference hosting information page and that is to what I'm referring. I'd love to come to your area!

May the blessings of the Lord overtake you!


Did you sense the presence of God? Did He touch/heal you in a special way during the conference? What did you like best about the conference? Please leave a little testimonial here:  I like to post about what people experienced during the conference in my next newsletter (a couple/few days after the conference) and on the website. This helps others know what a DFH conference is like or what to expect. Thanks so much!!

Please note: I reserve the right to correct grammar, spelling, etc. Also, not every testimonial will be chosen to be posted in the web site and newsletter.