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Showing items 1 - 8 of 867 total (Page 1 of 109)
  • Edem
    This was my first time attending a DFH conference and let me say I am truly blessed coming out of it. It was so amazing and so freeing to be able to worship with other like minded individuals who love God while also learning so much about dance ministration. The prophetic worship in particular touched me in ways I didn't even realize I was still hurting, it provided a sense of healing that reminded me why I dance.
    Ball Ground
  • Nydia Marrero
    My first DFH conference was in 2007 in Poughkeepsie, NY. and my second in 8/19 in the Bronx, NY. I have always enjoyed these conferences I had learned so much from them. I have applied in workshops the echo, movements and prophetic exercise where two persons are partner facing each other. These conferences have expanded my dance ministry.
  • Amy L Holderman
    The Worshipping Bride Dance Conference that was held July 31st, 2021 was amazing! I received a lot of encouragement from Pastor Will's teachings to keep dancing for the Lord! Everyone of Pastor Lynn's dances she did at this conference had a profound effect on some much needed healing in my life! The other dancers ministered so beautifully as well! What an incredible conference!
  • Denise Smith
    The Pure Heart Dance E- conference happened at the right time for me as I was reassured that “God is not done with me yet” ( words from God through Pastor Lynn)and also at a time when I needed a fresh anointing from God.
    Saturday morning before the conference started I was experiencing some pains in my body and I joined without being able to have my breakfast because I didn’t want to be late. After the two hours zoom session, which included meeting and greeting, prayers, warm up exercises, ministry and activation, I was pain free and even felt more energized than when I started. God is truly amazing and I thank Him for using dear Pastor Lynn in the ways he did on Saturday. I still cannot believe that I would have been so richly impacted through the air waves.
    I also benefited immensely from the speakers as they shared their testimonies and their skills with us. This conference went very well, there were no delays or disappointments. It was a well planned and executed event. God is truly amazing and He is an on time God. I look forward to receive more training through the Dancing For Him Ministry. God bless .
  • Randi
    I was worried that the power of His presence would not be as evident through the airwaves of a zoom conference, but I am so glad that the Lord proved me wrong. He revealed to me through the online conference this July 2020 that when His people come together to worship Him, His presence fills the rooms. He ministers to each person and uses each person to minister to others. His Holy Spirit opens and heals our hearts to receive His ministry through the vulnerable act of worship through movement. You learn so much and are so empowered to continue to dance for Him even after it is over. I hope to continue staying in contact with the ladies who attended! What a blessing and filling experience. So thankful for Pastor Will being used by God to reach my heart to truly believe the freeing truths I only knew intellectually and now I know with all of me.
  • Jeannine
    Hi Lynn, Thank you for including my friend Rebecca and I in the beautiful DFH community. We felt so welcomed and lovingly integrated into the fold. The Holy Spirit has used you and Pastor Bozemen to train and equip these worship dancers to SHINE as Jesus commands us to. We enjoyed processing everything we experienced and look forward to offering the mothers of our young dancers the same opportunity to move in, for, and with the Lord. Shine on, sister, and I hope our Bride Groom would have us be in the same place at the same time worshiping Him together again. Shalom.
  • Brad
    So the conference was amazing. There have been many things I have been praying for a long time. Sometimes when we do things for a long time we start to wonder "Is this actually going anywhere or am I just wasting time?" Sometimes we pray over and over and wonder if we are being one of those clanging cymbals the scripture talks about. It may not be doubt setting in but just a feeling of being stuck in a rut. As Pastor Will shared the first two teachings, he directly commented on some of the things I have been praying for. Total conformation. It did not end there. All weekend things kept being confirmed for me, one after another. Life changing weekend for sure.
  • Marcy
    Hi Pastor Lynn, I so enjoyed this weekend. Oh my goodness it was like broken to restoration to clarity to freedom to total surrender to peace. All of that happened through Pastor Will’s teaching followed by the activations. Every activation was like a continuation from the last, so you weren’t left undone. Even during the concert, the dances brought a new level of intensity and freedom. As one of the students put it… broken breakthrough, like the valve was broken off the faucet, not to be replaced and now flowing in the mighty stream. Thank you for putting your all and the Holy Spirit into everything.
Showing items 1 - 8 of 867 total (Page 1 of 109)