LEVEL 4 - dance ministry master course

Level IV Course

Dance Ministry Master Certificate of License

A continuation of Level 3, this Level 4 course will be about going deeper in some of the subjects learned in the first three levels, with an emphasis on ministry, leadership, administration and choreography. You'll be incorporating some more practical ministry/business concepts as well as learning the ins and outs of running a conference. 

The growth you will experience will be unparalleled. The main focus, in addition to hands on practice and learning from Pastor Lynn's personal experiences will be fostering God's call for you and the ministry He's given. The intensity of the course over the short term will stretch you, but the results of your perseverance will be lifelong knowledge, obtaining practical tools for growth in your own ministry, confidence in your call, covenant relationships and moving forward in your destiny.  

School year: January 10 through October 24th

You must have graduated from Level 3 to gain entrance into Level 4.

Please click on the drop down lists below for all the details.  

Words from some of the students who have completed the entire course...

  • Amy Holderman
    Dancing for Him has transformed my life in many wonderful ways!!! It brought me a lot of healing in many areas of my life by learning and receiving the rich teachings of God's Word and Dance Choreography. I have been transformed into a confident dance teacher and worship leader as a result of this program. I have been deepened by the insight and richness of what the school has offered me. It has brought about a lot of maturity in me as a worship dancer and connected me to the most dynamic and creative women and men of God around the globe!!! I have gained a lot of wisdom , confidence, more creativity and my faith has been deepened. If you are looking for a school that will take you to the next level that God is calling you to be at as a worship dancer and leader then this is the place for you to grow! This ministry is built on the solid foundational ground of Jesus Christ and His Word. You will blossom and grow in the fertile ground and in due season you will bring in a harvest for Jesus!!! Thank you Pastor Lynn and Pastor Will for sowing into my life to bring me to that next level !!! Thank you also to all my friends I met through here and especially my AP partners in all the different levels-you all mean so much to me!!!
  • Carrie Tyer
    As I near the finish line of Level 4, I look back and marvel at how I have been stretched and have grown over the past months. Leadership, planning, and professionalism are all factors. Of course, growing in prayer and dreaming with God continue to be foundational. And, you get to interact with Pastor Lynn and other dancing sisters who are on the same journey!
    Ruther Glen
  • Suzi Herman
    This level of schooling has disciplined me to push through all of the assignments to completion with excellence as my best has continued to grow. I would not trade this experience for anything else that the world may have to offer.

    I am so grateful to God and Pastor Lynn's faithfulness to make Dancing For Him School available to grow The Kingdom and His army to share the gospel and to take back what the enemy has stolen
    New Port Richey
  • Randi
    Dancing For Him Levels 1-4 have transformed me into a teacher and a leader. This process has pushed me like a personal trainer to my potential in dance worship as a speaker, a dance teacher, a small group or larger group leader, a creative artist and organized planner and communicator. I have absorbed wisdom from others in this community especially from Pastor Lynn and have been activated in my calling and talents from the Lord. It has stretched my horizons to teach kids and worship with flags and play with a tambourine unto the Lord when those things were never on my radar. The assignments and reading anchored and encouraged my faith and walk with the Lord at the times of life that it was hard to bring myself to be discipline outside of the school. Friendships over the online meetings and conferences have been formed and blossomed into weekly fellowship that have blessed my life beyond comprehension. Pastor Lynn's expertise in dance and spiritual dance worship and ministry has truly awakened the dormant dreams I believe He had planted in me regarding dance worship fitness and teaching on spiritual and biblical matters. Mahalo Pastor Lynn for allowing God to make this school online so I could take it from South Caroline to the middle of the Pacific in Hawaii. 
  • Corine Griffin
    My 4 years at DFH ministries has been a journey of being stretched, growing, pruning, repenting, deliverance, joy, tears, struggles and even doubts BUT through it all, I have come to know and understand my Saviour God in a better way by the word and in dance.
    This school has impacted my life in so many ways, my confidence in Christ more established and I am more settled in my heart about my dance unto the Lord.
    Through the books we’ve read my prayer life is more intentional and my desire to be a co-worker with God. I received deliverance and healing through the activations I’ve participated in and watched.
    I am blessed to serve a God who creates and allows his creativity to flow through me. I am grateful to be part of the DFH family, I am inspired by Pastor Lynn, Pastor Will and my fellow dancers. God continue to bless and inspire all who are connected with DFH ministries. Cause this ministry to grow and prosper. Amen.
  • Leesa I. Robinson
    This curriculum and training is abundantly RICH with God's love! I come away with a new vision, a new direction and even a book of my personal testimony. I am now equipped to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in motion through dance and the creative arts. I have a new confidence in my walk with God. I am forevery grateful and so very honored to be a part of the family of Dancing for Him Ministries. To God be the glory!
  • Melissa (Missy) Weikel
    I am unsure if I have the words to express all that Dancing for Him School has meant for me. It has been the most incredible journey in my life. A journey of learning healing and love. The school helped me form a more intimate Relationship with God. It took me deeper than my mind could ever imagine. It helped me learn to love myself and others more. The school is more than a school it is a family. I am sad my journey with the school has ended, but I am so excited to see what God has next for me. Thank you, Pastor Lynn and Paster Wil your love, guidance, and kindness will forever be with me.
    Blessings Missy
  • Jessica Quinones
    It has been a wonderful journey! I have learned so much throughout the 4 levels on line courses. I am forever grateful for DFH Ministries, I can honestly say that have gained the confidence to set my goals of teaching others in dance and pageantry in motion. Level 4 emphasizes on creating choreography, leadership, and marketing your ministry, It has prepared me to take the next step forward and I am forever grateful to Pastor Lynn, she has such a precious heart. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, encouragement and for making things simple to do that one thing I desired to do and that was to make my own teaching video. Thank you Pastor Will your books are so enriched I have come to know Gods Love for me in a deeper level. If you re in level 3, I highly recommend that you continue moving forward to Level 4 this is the best investment you will make in your life!

    Be blessed….
    New York
  • Nicole Jagmohan
    Level 4 was awesome!!! I learned a whole lot from this level. I learned how to comprise many activations and how to take many different parts of Pastor Lynn’s dance activations to put together my own activations. There were other things that I learned which was how to create my own dance conferences, how to market them to prospects, and the level of preparation that it takes to put together a conference. My creativity and confidence in creating uploads and depending on the Holy Spirit to choreograph dances have truly increased. When you can confidently and intentionally put together an activation, it makes a whole lot of difference on how you see dance. I truly had fun and understand that it takes great preparation to produce a level of excellence because of Pastor Lynn’s guidance under the Lord’s direction.
  • Carolyn Perryman
    Praise God for such a wonderful school like DFHM and a fantastic teacher-Pastor Lynn Hayden!!!!! What a beautiful journey I had, I was taken to a new level in my dancing. I gained confidence in my abilities to be creative and to dance. At this level you get to see the creativity within you and discover the confidence in yourself. I now walk with a deeper confidence and enjoy dancing from my soul with my creator.

    I am so grateful that my path was crossed with Pastor Lynn's. God has surely done a great work in me through her ministries. I will encourage anyone to join her school whether it is to better your dance leadership or to enhance your personal worship time with God.

    Thank you Pastor Lynn for your faithfulness, creativity and your strong desire to share the wealth of knowledge and experiences with others, because of your love for God and people we are effect and better worshippers.
  • Pamela Dimry
    As I approach the end of my final year of schooling, I’d rate the Level 4 course as an A+ --a valuable, practical asset to help produce the marketplace ministry that God is birthing/has birthed in your spirit.

    Level 4 picked up where Level 3 ended--challenging me to seek God on how to make my worship dance ‘calling’ a marketplace ministry and utilize it to further the kingdom of God. I learned numerous practical aspects on hosting a dance conference from inception to the actual day of the event. I also continued to get stretched spiritually from reading Pastor Wil's books and watching his live lessons/sermons. I learned so so much and came to the end of myself to rely on God for EVERYTHING. I also was really stretched in creating/promoting/producing my own live webinar event!

    The 2020 pandemic and its after-effects has caused many folks to rethink their life, their priorities, and even their careers. Taking Level 3 and 4 during the pandemic and post pandemic time has really helped me solidify what I want MY next chapter to be and to start the process of making it a reality with all of the training, encouragement, support, and practical info I learned from Pastor Lynn and my Dancing For Him ‘family’ of fellow worship dancers! Thank you so much Pastor Lynn and Pastor Wil!
    The Villages
  • Nicole Freeman
    God is so good. Wow, this course was awesome. it really stretched me in a capacity that I did not expect. I had to rely more on the Lord this season than ever before. God is faithful and He blessed me throughout this journey. I have had to battle sickness and injuries yet Jesus helped me every step of the way. I am so glad that I took this course. I encourage others to either enroll in the dance school and the Bible school. If you are a student of one of the other levels, pray about continuing in the school. You will learn and expirience more than you could ever imagine. Blessings to you.
  • Marcy Garms
    It has been such an honor to learn from Pastors Lynn and Wil. I have learned and grown so much from all the books, and activations related to them. My heart is forever changed. Learning sign language and how to put them into worship has been amazing. I have really enjoyed getting closer to God through Dancing for Him and with Him. I would not change any of it. Even my tears of pain, eventually turned to joy because of this school.
    Bless you all and Keep Dancing for Him
    Marcy Garms
  • Daina M. Angel
    Thank you Pastor Lynn for being obedient to God! Your “Yes” to His Call has greatly impacted my life and has paved the way for where I am today. I am grateful for the education I received in the DFH Online Training School. It is one of the most important investments I have made in myself, my art, and ministry. The growth that I experienced over the years is amazing and I would like to share a bit of my journey.

    (Credentials): Not having certified documents use to intimidate me and in 2013, Abba started shifting things in my life and told me to “invest” in myself, which included enrolling in the Level 1 and Level 2 DFH programs. He explained that I needed “credentials” in order to counteract those who asked with ill intent, “Where did you get your training?”, but I knew that it was also because of my insecurity. So, it was befitting to discover that the word credentials not only meant “That which is given credit” but, “that which gives a title or claim to confidence” . This reminded me of 2 Timothy 2:15 (AMP) which states, “Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth”. And as I continued on to Levels 3 and 4, receiving additional certification/licensure, I began to realize that I no longer felt frightened by insincere or genuine inquiries about my qualifications, but embraced the responsibility of presenting myself accredited unto God.

    (Relationships): When I came to DFH, it was as an individual, but I have since gained a family! I will forever treasure the fellowship, encouragement, accountability, and prayer that I received throughout the courses from classmates, upperclassman, and even alumni. Likewise, being an accountability partner to someone else and giving them that same type of support was so rewarding. Developing long-lasting friendships with those with like passion helped me to appreciate the significance of building community.

    (Art & Spirit): In preparation for my schooling at DFH, the Lord brought all of my worship dance classes, concerts of worship and retreats to a complete halt and made it clear that I would be going into a “cocoon”, figuratively speaking and that by the end of the “metamorphosis”, I would emerge a beautiful butterfly. Although, I have had a fascination with these lovely creatures since childhood and was excited about the upcoming instruction, I was not so sure about the whole going into a cocoon thing. To me, this seemed more like being buried alive rather than ascending. Transformation is sometimes painful.
    Within the DFH curriculum there are some common topics/elements that exist among the degrees of learning; yet, each is unique with its own set of challenges and milestones that foster expansion. So, when I questioned, “How can I go deeper, create additional content, and become more proficient?” I found that there were still depths for me to yet encounter. Therefore, Heavenly Father used every assignment for my artistic and spiritual growth. The Ballet and Product Creation lessons are examples.
    Ballet I, II, & III all required me to view the DVDs, practice the material, write essays, do product reviews and create videos of me teaching various concepts. Well, displaying the techniques terrified me. And for the Product Creation (formerly “Creative Assignment”), I had to provide Table of Contents, Chapter Titles, Dedication, Conclusion, Bibliography, Biography and 10 pages of content. I was afraid because I had no book title, was worried about not having enough to say and felt disqualified. Holy Spirit used these tasks to expose the root of my problems and as I embraced Truth, healing began, deliverance came and I flourished. Now, in this last term, I am able to present the material from a place of victory.
    In closing, Level 4 was not “just” a continuation of Level 3, but the culmination of years of study and the manifestation of God’s vision for this season of transformation in my life. And I can see the butterfly!
    New Orleans
  • Brenda A Smith-Keene
    I wouldn’t trade my experience with DFH for anything in the world. It has been an incredible journey. Dancing for Him Ministries recognizes that God is calling us to reclaim the arts and renew the use of them to lead others to Christ and teaches us how we can do that through dance. Each year has stretched me. I have continued learning how to be intimate with God, how to expand my dance vocabulary and more technique. Pastor Lynn’s teachings are raising up true worshippers and Pastor Will’s teaching are helping us to understand that our God is a creative God and He created us to be creative with Him. I am thankful to both of them and to God for their anointing. I am grateful for the DFH family and the friendships that I have developed along the way. The encouragement is phenomenal and the DVDs/Books will be useful for years to come. There has been no doubt that I was where I was supposed to be. I look forward to seeing everyone moving forward to the next level and fulfill your calling. You will be blessed!!
    Kansas City
  • Johanne Lissade
    I am very happy to be able to share with you my journey at dancing for him ministries I would never regret this decision to be part of this great family .The program has been designed to develop the ministry that live into you and also to propel you to another level ,the one that God calls you to be. I have learned a lot and especially during this last year which is level 4. I can say that now I am ready to stand on my own feet and to inspire and motoring others to do the same.Thank you pastor Lynn For this beautiful work and the family that you created.
    I highly recommend this school.
  • Brad Worrell
    It's been a great year. I have seen a lot of growth in myself even from last year. The teachings from Pastor Will and Pastor Lynn have been excellent. It's been quite an adventure. It's been quite a journey. I would not trade it for anything. I am so thankful that I've been able to be a part of this program and to be a part of the DFH family. Being accepted by you all for the whole time it really means a lot.
    At this point I fully believe that if you have been called here to Pastor Lynn and to Dancing for Him Ministries your absolutely are are there for a purpose. God's going to do something huge with you. For each one of us that could be something a little different. It could be a lot different. The moving of the Spirit, through this ministry when we all get to come together in his presence like that we always do, I can't live without it now. I am so so thankful for being able to have been a part of all this. Pastor Lynn’s teachings throughout the years along with Pastor Will’s have blessed me so much. I am so very thankful, so grateful for all that she does for us. I am grateful for all of Pastor Will’s teachings. I am thankful for all my fellow students encouragement. Thank you to everyone. Thank you all for your love and support over the years. I would say to the level one and two students, again if you're here, you're here for a purpose. Don't lose sight of that. Don't take that for granted. You're here for a reason. God's going to do something big. God is going to do something real big. Thank you. Be blessed, stay creative, and keep dancing for Him.
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