
  1. You’ll be trained, equipped and prepared to teach, minister and equip others in worship/praise dance.
  2. Upon successful completion of the entire Level 4 course, you will receive a Dance Ministry Master Certificate of License. This will stand as Dancing For Him Ministries’ approval of your ability to teach the subjects you will have learned. This also certifies you as a Worship Dance Minister, able to minister the Father's Heart through dance or the arts. This certificate carries a lot of weight and will serve as a solid credential to enhance your credibility as a worship dance teacher/leader/minister.
  3. You'll establish long lasting relationships with other industry leaders. The fellowship and support is invaluable!
  4. You'll grow spiritually, emotionally and physically in this life changing program.
  5. You'll have the covering, support and prayers of DFH leadership and fellow alumni with communication access to the school Facebook pages.
  6. You will learn innumerable creative ideas, learn dance technique, choreography technique on a deep level to enhance your worship dance and leadership skills. 
  7. You will grow in your call, better prepared to launch out into what God desires for you with the credentials and support you need!

To hear what graduates have said about the other levels, CLICK HERE. Often it is much better to hear the benefits that the students have gained, as they have been through some of the school. I'm always amazed to hear what they have learned and how much they've grown. I hope you make the opportunity to watch/listen.

CLICK HERE to go back for more details


CLICK HERE - Level 4 only - to pay in full ($349), on or before December 10th.

CLICK HERE - Early Savings - Level 4 only - to pay in full ($299), on or before November 10th. 

CLICK HERE - Levels 3 and 4 Combined - to pay in full ($649), on or before December 10th.

CLICK HERE - Levels 3 and 4 Combined - to make pre-payments ($149 down, then $100 increments = $649), on or before December 10th. 

CLICK HERE - Early Savings - Levels 3 and 4 Combined - to pay in full ($549), on or before November 10th (save $100). No pre-payments.