Devotions in Motion - Video Download

Devotions in Motion - Video Download
Price: $17.00
Sale Price: $15.00

Devotions in Motion - Video Download Product Description:


Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

He also said, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Mathew 6:6

When preparing to dance in ministry or to teach a class, we need to also be dancing at home in private.

•Do you have a longing to worship the Lord in private?

•Do you want ever sense the Lord calling you to dance in the morning but struggle to get moving?

•Would you like to expand your movement vocabulary for your private worship?

•Would you like to help the children in your life to worship from the heart when they dance?

•Would you like to help your dance team develop a greater heart of worship?

If so, this video is for you.

Product Description:

On this video, you will learn a pattern of prayer and simple movements to do early in the day that get you moving in worship.

These dances were developed over the years from some of Amy Tang’s favorite verses and from some of her favorite worship choruses.

Based on the acronym ABIDE, they will give you a starting point to engage your body, and, by engaging my body, to engage your heart.

You can teach these to your children’s praise dance team or class and have them use them as a pattern for prayer to begin our class, preparing ourselves to worship from the heart.

This project is truly accessible to worshipers of all ages and skill levels. The movements come out of expressive sign and can be done first thing in the morning, before you are ready to move your whole body. They can be done in a small place, beside your bed, on your couch, in your prayer closet. Because they consist primarily of upper body movements done in a posture of prayer, you can do them when your family is still asleep without awakening them.

Amy Tang teaches these five devotional dances, step-by-step, so you can do them with her. You will be blessed by their hearts of worship. If you work with children and would like to see live footage where Amy teaches these dances to a class of children, make sure to look at Devotions in Motion with Children.

Total Running Time: 36 minutes


Simply go through the normal ordering process. When you get your email receipt, there will be a red link that will say, "Download Now." Just click on that and the M4v video file will be downloaded to your computer (in your download folder). Save that email. It may be in your junk box. Please note these files will not directly download into an iPad. Please read if you are downloading products: DOWNLOAD DIRECTIONS

Product Reviews - 4.9/5 from 36 reviews Write A Review

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1 5 out of 5 stars by Amy H. on June 15th 2024

Awesome Devotions!

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: This Devotion is so nice to do!! It has a lot of expressive sign movements coupled with scriptures that are easy to understand and do for a morning devotion to get your day off to the right start with Jesus!!! Wonderful resource!!

2 5 out of 5 stars by C.Tyer on June 3rd 2024

Devotions in Motion

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: Every worship dancer desires to cultivate a heart of personal devotion and worship so that the dances she brings forth are truly fruit borne of time spent in His presence. In ministering to others through dance, she needs to first be deeply rooted in the Word and humble prayer. In this inspiring video, patterns of simple upper body movements are creatively taught by using the word ABIDE as an acronym.

Cons: None!

3 5 out of 5 stars by Corine on July 9th 2023


Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: This DVD is inspiring, easy to learn movements that engages the viewers to worship the Lord and commune with Him.

4 5 out of 5 stars by Ran C. on June 23rd 2023

Clear, Simple, Powerful, Practical 

Length of ownership: 1 month-1 year

Pros: I am so inspired to use the model I learned from this devotional in my prayer life with the Lord in the mornings. I am excited to have prayers and scripture I can teach kids and students to memorize using movement! Amy's spiritual explanations for each part are so rich!

5 5 out of 5 stars by Suzi on June 7th 2023

Length of ownership: more than 1 year

Pros: This is a great DVD to begin your day with your focus on Jesus! Dance classes and ministries would also be very blessed through the meaningful movements with scripture and songs. I would highly recommend this DVD to any worshiper that desires to spend time with the Lord

Cons: none

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