LEVEL 2 - Online School's "PRE" Auto Payment Plan

LEVEL 2 - Online School's "PRE" Auto Payment Plan
Have you read and agreed to the waiver (below)?:
I understand/agree to this recurring monthly auto payment through 12/10:

LEVEL 2 - Online School's "PRE" Auto Payment Plan Product Description:

Those who desire to join the Dancing For Him On Line School that begins January 10th, may make an initial pre-payment of $64.90, beginning February 10th. Then subsequent payments in $64.90 increments will automatically be withdrawn from the card monthly up to and including December 10th. After December 10th, no more payments will be withdrawn, and you will be considered to be paid in full.

We will put your name on a secondary roster and keep track of your payments. Once you have completed your payments, then we will create a folder for you and put you on the primary roster. You will then (on or around January 10th), also receive your welcome letter, student information page link, private Facebook page and chat phone number or webinar information. 

Thank you for making a wise decision to expand your knowledge and improve your skill, making your praise dance minister more effectively. I look forward to working with you in the school! Many blessings...


Put ‘Yes’ in the waiver agreement box at the top of this page. Your selection of ‘Yes’ in the drop down list indicates that you will have read and agreed to the waiver before attending/joining the Dancing For Him Ministries (from here on known as DFH) school/conference/intensive/CEI or any program associated with DFH. Simply put, selecting ‘Yes’ is your electronic signature. Please read the waiver below.

In consideration of participation in this dance program and instruction, I/we the undersigned (electronic registrant) intend to be legally bound, here by for myself and anyone acting on my behalf, as well as all others from whom I am registering (if any), all those participating with me in any assignments/practice, etc., release all claims for damages I/we may have against Dancing For Him Ministries, Inc., Lynn Hayden and their sponsors, representatives, successors, and assigns for any and all injuries or death suffered by me/us in this program. I/we attest and verify that I/we know participation in this program/event can be a potentially hazardous activity. However, I/we have sufficiently prepared for this course/event, understand the necessity of proper warming of the muscles before activity, and know that I/we am/are participating at my/our own risk. The waiver extends for the duration of the program dates there which are listed on the school information pages. I also release DFH use of any photographs or video footage of me/us. I/we have read and understand this waiver of liability, and agree to the same, by selecting ‘Yes’ in the appropriate place on this page.

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