Other Event Types

Teaching At Your Event

For churches/organizations who desire Lynn to teach at your event within the continental US:


When Lynn is a guest minister at your event, the host must pay all of the expenses. This includes the roundtrip airfare (tickets purchased and forwarded at least three months in advance), all meals, lodging and transportation. In lieu of an honorarium, Lynn will receive a love offering, as the Lord leads and she must be allowed a good, visible, easily accessible space to sell the DFH resources.

The conference host will also be responsible for all its own expenses, such as the venue and everything associated with that. So, the host must be very confident that they can gather a large group, in order to cover expenses. Dancing For Him will not be responsible for any expenses whatsoever in a non-DFH event.


Lynn must arrive at least one day before the event and be allowed plenty of time to set up the products. She must arrive early enough in the day where after set up, she may rest and retire early, before the first day of ministry. She prefers at least two cafeteria tables with table cloths to be already set up before her arrival. However, she understands, in some events, only one table will be available. Just to give you an idea, at a DFH conference she typically takes up 4-5 cafeteria tables to display all the products. To find out about food, microphones and other ministry necessities, please read in other areas of the host page.


Foreign Hosting

This means any location outside of the continental United States. All conference arrangements remain the same except the cost and time of arrival. Also, arrangements and confirmations should be made at least one full year in advance.